Gosh the time really does fly. My last post seems like so long ago, and that is because it was almost 3 years go. Why three years? My usual problem. I cannot stick to one thing as a hobby. Blogging is a hobby, I think.

Now more things pop up and I want to try them. It is my every-two-weeks issue all over again.

The new thing was Peepeth and micro-bloggig, which I have started. Then I linked my github to Peepeth, and then I posted an issue to someones repo per request. That means I actually opened github for the first time in months. Then I was like ‘hey markdown is awesome’ again. Now I am back here using a new tool to blog called Dillinger.io, because I found it looking for an online markdown viewer.

Sheesh I am a mess, but maybe this will allow me to blog again. Take a point to actually put some things to paper that I have wanted to for a while.

Appreciate you.

John Oliphant

John Oliphant